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Königreich Preussen

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  1. Brandenburg-Preussen, Königreich Preussen, Friedrich I., Reichstaler 1701, vz

    Brandenburg-Prussia, Kingdom of Prussia, Friedrich I, Reichstaler 1701, xf

    Differenzbesteuert gem. §25a UStG, Excl. shipping

    Friedrich I 1701-1713. Reichstaler 1701 Berlin CS. Yield of the Rothenburg mine. Dav. 2554; extremely fine, traces of removed loop Learn More
  2. Brandenburg-Preussen, Königreich Preussen, Friedrich Wilhelm I., 1/3 Taler 1727, ss

    Brandenburg-Prussia, Kingdom of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm I, 1/3 Taler 1727, vf

    Incl. 7% tax, Excl. shipping

    Friedrich Wilhelm I 1713-1740. 1/3 Taler 1727 Berlin EGN. Bust / coat of arms. v. Schr. 302; very fine, minor encrustations Learn More
  3. Brandenburg-Preussen, Königreich Preussen, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., Silbergroschen 1851, ss-vz/vz

    Brandenburg-Prussia, Kingdom of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., Silbergroschen 1851, vf-xf / xf

    Incl. 7% tax, Excl. shipping

    Friedrich Wilhelm IV. 1840-1861. Silbergroschen 1851 A. AKS 86; very fine to extremely fine / extremely fine, obv. cleaned Learn More
  4. Brandenburg-Preussen, Königreich Preussen, Wilhelm I., Siegestaler 1866, ss+

    Brandenburg-Prussia, Kingdom of Prussia, Wilhelm I., Siegestaler 1866, good vf

    Incl. 7% tax, Excl. shipping

    Wilhelm I. 1861-1888. Siegestaler 1866 A. AKS 117; good very fine Learn More

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