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Holy Roman Empire, Maria Theresia, Ducat 1755, vf

Römisch Deutsches Reich, Maria Theresia, Dukat 1755, ss
Differenzbesteuert gem. §25a UStG, Excl. shipping

Product Description

Maria Theresia 1740-1780. Ducat 1755 Kremnitz. Empress standing. Friedb. 180; GOLD, very fine

Additional Information

Category 1 Holy Roman Empire - Austria
Category 2 Holy Roman Empire
Ruler Maria Theresia
Reign 1740-1780
Denomination Ducat
Date 1755
Mint Kremnitz
Material Gold
Condition very fine
Catalogue Friedb. 180
Catalogue 2 Herinek 248
Catalogue 3 Huszar 1652
Item Number 98726

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