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Macedonia, Kingdom of Macedonia, Alexander III, the Great, Tetradrachm 212-182 BC, nearly vf

Makedonien, Königreich, Alexander III. der Grosse, Tetradrachme 212-182 v.Chr.,

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Differenzbesteuert gem. §25a UStG, Excl. shipping

Product Description

Alexander III, the Great 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm 33 mm 212-182 BC Aspendus. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion`s skin headdress, countermark: seleucid anchor / Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre, mintmark AS und A. Price 2877; nearly very fine

Additional Information

Category 1 Greek Coins
Category 2 Macedonia
Category 3 Kingdom of Macedonia
Ruler Alexander III, the Great
Reign 336-323 BC
Denomination Tetradrachm
Date 212-182 BC
Mint Aspendus
Material Silver
Condition nearly very fine
Catalogue Price 2877
Weight 16.47 g
Diameter 33 mm
Item Number 98252