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Brandenburg-Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1/2 Dukat 1685, xf

Brandenburg-Preussen, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1/2 Dukat 1685, vz

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Differenzbesteuert gem. §25a UStG, Excl. shipping

Product Description

Friedrich Wilhelm 1640-1688. 1/2 Dukat 1685 Königsberg HS. Friedb. 2263; GOLD, extremely fine, flan flaw at edge; traces of filling
extremely rare; NGC UNC DETAILS, Obv. rim filed

Additional Information

Category 1 German Talers and Minors
Category 2 Brandenburg-Prussia
Ruler Friedrich Wilhelm
Reign 1640-1688
Denomination 1/2 Dukat
Date 1685
Mint Königsberg HS
Material Gold
Condition extremely fine
Supplement flan flaw at edge; traces of filling
Catalogue Friedb. 2263
Catalogue 2 v. Schr. 130
Weight 1.74 g
Item Number 92329