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Brandenburg-Prussia, Kingdom of Prussia, Friedrich I, Reichstaler 1701, xf

Brandenburg-Preussen, Königreich Preussen, Friedrich I., Reichstaler 1701, vz
Differenzbesteuert gem. §25a UStG, Excl. shipping

Product Description

Friedrich I 1701-1713. Reichstaler 1701 Berlin CS. Yield of the Rothenburg mine. Dav. 2554; extremely fine, traces of removed loop

Additional Information

Category 1 German Talers and Minors
Category 2 Brandenburg-Prussia
Category 3 Kingdom of Prussia
Ruler Friedrich I
Reign 1701-1713
Denomination Reichstaler
Date 1701
Mint Berlin CS
Material Silver
Condition extremely fine
Supplement traces of removed loop
Catalogue Dav. 2554
Catalogue 2 v.Schr. 405
Catalogue 3 Müseler 49.1/1
Weight 29.3 g
Item Number 92261