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Literature, Ancient Objects, Porcelain, Hatcher, Michael, Tek Sing

Literatur, Antike Objekte, Porzellan, Hatcher, Michael, Tek Sing
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Product Description

Hatcher, Michael . Tek Sing. The Legacy of Tek Sing - Tragedy and Legacy of the Chinese Titanic. A fascinating account of the background to the sinking and rediscovery of the Tek Sing, 176 pages, numerous illustrations.
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Michael Hatcher / Nigel Pickford, "The Legacy of Tek Sing - Tragedy and Legacy of the Chinese Titanic". A fascinating account of the background to the sinking and rediscovery of the Tek Sing, 176 pages, numerous illustrations

Additional Information

Category 1 Literature
Category 2 Ancient Objects
Category 3 Porcelain
Ruler Hatcher, Michael
Denomination Tek Sing
Verfasser Hatcher, Michael
Titel Tek Sing
Item Number 15575

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