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Baktria and India, Kingdom of Baktria, Abdagases, Billon, vf

Baktrien und Indien, Königreich Baktrien, Abdagases, Tetradrachme, ss

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Differenzbesteuert gem. §25a UStG, Excl. shipping

Product Description

Abdagases . Billon-Billon 23 mm. Emperor riding right / Zeus right, holding long sceptre, monograms in fields. Mitch. 2582; very fine
  • Indo-Parthian king
  • Successor of Gondophares
  • Bears the title of ruler over kings
  • The coin is the only proof of its existence

Additional Information

Category 1 Greek Coins
Category 2 Baktria and India
Category 3 Kingdom of Baktria
Ruler Abdagases
Reign ca. 55-65 n. Chr.
Denomination Billon
Material Billon
Condition very fine
Catalogue Mitch. 2582
Weight 9.90 g
Diameter 23 mm
Item Number 98511