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Japan, Tenpo, Bu (Ichi Bu Gin) o.J. (1837-1854), xf-unc

Japan, Tenpo, Bu (Ichi Bu Gin) o.J. (1837-1854), vz-st

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Product Description

Tenpo 1830-1844. Bu (Ichi Bu Gin) o.J. (1837-1854). KM 16a; extremely fine to uncirculated

Additional Information

Category 1 World Coins
Category 2 Japan
Ruler Tenpo
Reign 1830-1844
Denomination Bu (Ichi Bu Gin)
Date o.J. (1837-1854)
Material Silver
Condition extremely fine to uncirculated
Catalogue KM 16a
Catalogue 2 JNDA 09-52
Weight 8.5 g
Item Number 97747